Tuesday 7 December 2010

Research and planning into design and layouts (image shots/angles)

I will be looking at the different types of photo shots that I can include in my magazine. I have searched online and found different images with different types of shots such as,Long shot, Midshot, Close up. Photos can also be taken at different camera levels such as; eye level, which would make the reader feel included with what is going on, High angle, which makes the reader feel intimidated and like they are looking up towards something, and Low angle, this would make the reader feel superior like they are looking down at someone.
Close up of Rihanna
(close up is usually a focused area of the object or body, here its focused on her face which shows a lot of detail and emotions)

Long shot of the Saturdays
(long shots, usually show the whole object or body, which shows the setting of where the photo was taken, lighting and how, as shown above)

Mid Shot
(mid shot usually include from the waist upwards)

After doing research I have taken some of these shots into consideration for when I am taking my photos. I will take a wide range of different types of shot and angles so I have a better choice of which photo to use and how it will come across to the reader.

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