Monday 20 December 2010

Decisiones on Articales for Magazine

I have been looking through exsisting magazines and found that they include more just one article about one person. So for my magazine to follow normal conventions I will be definately include the article promoting a new artist/band as that was part of the task that I was told to do. However as I want to follow the normal conventions of a magzine I will also haveto include extra information and other articles, this will help me know what to right as my "Lures" and "Coverlines" on my front cover.

I have thought about having a celebrity gossip section, where my readers will be kept up to date with any new and exclusive news on their favourite artists/bands, and what's new with their music aswell as their life in the eye of the public.

I also thought to add a section where the 50 or 60 top R&B hits will be listed and where they are avaible to dounwload or even buy on CD. This section will not only tell my readers of what music is 'HOT' or not but also who is number one at the moment and who is releasing new albums/singles. This page will contain a lot of information on music.

Seeing as my target audience are teens from the ages between 15-19, I know that most of them if not all of them will have a profile page on one of the major social networks such as 'Facebook', 'Tweeter' or 'Myspace'. So i was thinking of including in my magazine groups that they could follow to support their favourite artists/bands with their up coming music, and where they can be even more up to date and find out more information from a genuine place.

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