Wednesday 5 January 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine will be based on the genre of RnB/Urban. In it you will find many types of articles such as interviews, articles promoting new artists/bands, new albums and club reviews, gossip on the latest music and on artists lives. These types of articles will satisfy the readers of my magazine because they will gather knowledge on their favourite artists and their music. My main target audience is a wide range of boys and girls between the ages of 15-19, these young teenagers are likely to be receiving at least a weekly allowance of £10 if not more, as some of them may have part time jobs or may be receiving benefits of £10-£30 such as ema if they are attending college. However my magazine will be affordable for teenagers who don’t receive any type of income as I have priced my magazine at £2.50, which is not expensive at all. My audience are frequent music downloaders, which is then transferred straight to their iPods, Blackberrys and iPhones, these are the most popular way they listen to music. However they may also go on the internet and listen/watch music videos, on sites such as ‘’, they may also listen to music on the radio whilst they’re in their own car or with their parents.  Some of them may even spend time watching music channels on TV when there is nothing else to watch. My musical audience decide to spend their own extra money when going out to places with friend, such as cinema, shopping, eating or buying musical equipment (e.g. iPods, headphones etc). In their spare time they would normally like to ‘chill’ at home, go out with friends, some may do activities, such as dance or football.

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