Wednesday 5 January 2011

Looking back at your Preliminary Task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that my skills have developed a lot after doing my prelim task. The reason being, I only had the basic skills of how to use Photoshop and I had never used the programme “Pages”. Those basic skills then grew into bigger ones and I gained more knowledge which therefore helped me create my final product. From my prelim task it taught me a lot of new things I never paid attention to in a magazine, and how much work and research goes into producing one, i also learnt what codes and convections means and what they were. I have learnt that through the process of producing the magazine many things will change and there are plenty of ideas to work with, especially with the editing programmes which allow you to be very creative. You also have to always keep in mind who your target audience is, so the final product is successful, all of which I kept in mind when doing my magazine. Codes and convections of a magazine such as; Masthead, Strapline, Lures, Coverlines, price, issue date, barcode etc. These helped me in my final product as I knew what it was I had to include for my magazine to follow the normal convections and also make the magazine look genuine and professional.

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