Wednesday 5 January 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

My mode of address will be mainly aiming towards boys and girls who like and listen to RnB/Urban music, between the ages of 15-19. My front cover design and layout are very eye catching so it can stand out to the readers and make them take an interest into my magazine. I used bold colours but still managed to keep it simple so the magazine wouldn’t look too overdone.  I will not be using “girly” colours such as Pink and Purple and I will try not to make it too masculine, I will use the right colours to attract both genders. For the masthead I decided to use ‘RNB’ with a small music note overlapping it. This clearly helps to highlight the genre of RnB and the use of a bold blue as the colour will help it stand out to the reader and catch their attention.
However the use of slang terminology targets my target audience because they are most likely to be very familiar with it as it is a youthful/trend nowadays. My magazine readership would be advertised in music channels such as “Smash Hits” or MTV, or on pop ups that appear on facebook, as after doing some research my target audience tend to watch music channels and the majority of them use facebook/twitter/internet almost every day. Throughout the magazine the consistency of the writing and eye catching colours has also helped the magazine reflect what kind of audience it is aiming at. I think my choice of colours is good as they ‘Blue, Yellow, White and Black’ suit both genders equally, therefore not making my magazine too girly or too masculine.

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