Wednesday 5 January 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing my product there were many challenges with the programmes I used which were, Photoshop and Pages, in particular. However it was very enjoyable learning more in depth of how to use them and make the most out of them. I decided to use Photoshop for my front cover and contents page, I learnt a lot about it as, when starting my media course I knew very little of how to use it. Once you have the hang of it, it is a very useful and interesting programme as you can experiment with many different tools and use lots of layers to create something you like. It is also very good to use if you want to edit photographs, which is why I used it for my front cover in particular.  Pages the programme used to create my double page spread it is a lot simpler to use than Photoshop, but however doesn’t include all the advantages which Photoshop has. However I learnt how to use it quite quickly as it was something new to me, but I enjoyed experimenting with it and being as creative as I could.

All the production work was done on Macs, which I wasn’t used to as I only use a normal PC, but I eventually learnt how to move around and do things on the Macs such as; screen grabs, which is the same as a print screen on a normal PC. I could then use those screen grabs and include them onto my blog as evidence of my work in progress and research.  I have learnt that Macs even though they may be more complex than a regular PC, they are very useful as they include more editing programmes allowing me to be able to expand my skills on those different programmes.
For my final product I had to include photographs I had taken myself (original). This I enjoyed quite a lot and I found it the easiest task to do and also that I could be as creative as possible when taking the pictures. I learnt what angles looked best for specific poses and all the planning help me come up with even more ideas o what and where to take the photos.

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