Wednesday 29 June 2011

This is a drawing of an island which summarizes my AS course experience and how I felt about different things within the course. 
The good experiences of the course are placed on the left hand side of the drawing, where the sun is shinning and there is a palm tree. I drew the sun and palm trees as it symbolizes god things and happy thoughts. This side consists of:
  • Creating my own magazine called Love RNB and looking at existing music magazine, such as NME. 
  • learning how to use photoshop properly.
  • Learning how to use apple Mac computers.
  • Doing the photoshoot for my magazine.
  • Doing the coursework and blogging up m work on Blogger.
The bad experiences of the course are on the right hand side of the drawing, where its raining, lightening and rough sea. I drew them because it symbolizes the harder and more boring things of the course. This side consists of:
  • Doing Exams.
  • Meeting all the deadlines.
  • Completing homework.
As you can see there are more good experiences than bad, meaning that overall I enjoyed the course and just had to get on with the things I didn't enjoy so much.

Year 13 Media Studies

On our first lesson back we put ourselves into groups of max 5 people and and were given the task to create a short movie between 5-10 mins long. The movie had to be a meeting of any kind whether it be a business meeting, or meeting with a friend etc.

As preparation our homework was to write up a script and draw up a storyboard for the movie. We also had to think about what specific shots were going to be used.

On the second lesson back we were to go off and find a suitable place around the school without disturbing people to film our movie.

We went with what was drawn in the storyboard, using kodak flip film cameras and a tripod to keep the camera steady for clearer shots.

For the first movie my role was to act where I didn't have to worry much about the technical side.

In the second short film I was filming, so therefore I had to think carefully about:

  • The type of shot.
  • How long the shot will go on for. 
  • Carefully position the people within the shots.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Looking back at your Preliminary Task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that my skills have developed a lot after doing my prelim task. The reason being, I only had the basic skills of how to use Photoshop and I had never used the programme “Pages”. Those basic skills then grew into bigger ones and I gained more knowledge which therefore helped me create my final product. From my prelim task it taught me a lot of new things I never paid attention to in a magazine, and how much work and research goes into producing one, i also learnt what codes and convections means and what they were. I have learnt that through the process of producing the magazine many things will change and there are plenty of ideas to work with, especially with the editing programmes which allow you to be very creative. You also have to always keep in mind who your target audience is, so the final product is successful, all of which I kept in mind when doing my magazine. Codes and convections of a magazine such as; Masthead, Strapline, Lures, Coverlines, price, issue date, barcode etc. These helped me in my final product as I knew what it was I had to include for my magazine to follow the normal convections and also make the magazine look genuine and professional.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine will be based on the genre of RnB/Urban. In it you will find many types of articles such as interviews, articles promoting new artists/bands, new albums and club reviews, gossip on the latest music and on artists lives. These types of articles will satisfy the readers of my magazine because they will gather knowledge on their favourite artists and their music. My main target audience is a wide range of boys and girls between the ages of 15-19, these young teenagers are likely to be receiving at least a weekly allowance of £10 if not more, as some of them may have part time jobs or may be receiving benefits of £10-£30 such as ema if they are attending college. However my magazine will be affordable for teenagers who don’t receive any type of income as I have priced my magazine at £2.50, which is not expensive at all. My audience are frequent music downloaders, which is then transferred straight to their iPods, Blackberrys and iPhones, these are the most popular way they listen to music. However they may also go on the internet and listen/watch music videos, on sites such as ‘’, they may also listen to music on the radio whilst they’re in their own car or with their parents.  Some of them may even spend time watching music channels on TV when there is nothing else to watch. My musical audience decide to spend their own extra money when going out to places with friend, such as cinema, shopping, eating or buying musical equipment (e.g. iPods, headphones etc). In their spare time they would normally like to ‘chill’ at home, go out with friends, some may do activities, such as dance or football.