Wednesday 29 June 2011

This is a drawing of an island which summarizes my AS course experience and how I felt about different things within the course. 
The good experiences of the course are placed on the left hand side of the drawing, where the sun is shinning and there is a palm tree. I drew the sun and palm trees as it symbolizes god things and happy thoughts. This side consists of:
  • Creating my own magazine called Love RNB and looking at existing music magazine, such as NME. 
  • learning how to use photoshop properly.
  • Learning how to use apple Mac computers.
  • Doing the photoshoot for my magazine.
  • Doing the coursework and blogging up m work on Blogger.
The bad experiences of the course are on the right hand side of the drawing, where its raining, lightening and rough sea. I drew them because it symbolizes the harder and more boring things of the course. This side consists of:
  • Doing Exams.
  • Meeting all the deadlines.
  • Completing homework.
As you can see there are more good experiences than bad, meaning that overall I enjoyed the course and just had to get on with the things I didn't enjoy so much.

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